1.
"Double
the
siblings,
double
the
love.
"
【结婚日记】
2.
"We
were
always
two
peas
in
a
pod,
and
now
we're
two
rings
on
a
finger.
"
【恋爱长跑,最终定格】
3.
"From
sharing
a
room
to
sharing
a
life.
"
【兄弟之间,永不分离】
4.
"We've
always
had
each
other's
back,
now
we
have
each
other's
hand.
"
【兄弟情,情不断】
5.
"One
bond,
two
weddings,
endless
love.
"
【兄弟情,共享情缘】
6.
"From
brothers
to
husbands,
our
journey
together
continues.
"
【兄弟同心,共创美好】
7.
"We
started
as
siblings,
now
we're
soulmates.
"
【结为夫妻,缘定一生】
8.
"The
greatest
gift
ever
received
was
a
brother,
the
best
gift
ever
gave
was
my
hand
in
marriage.
"
【情同手足,缘定终身】
9.
"Two
families
become
one
through
the
bond
of
brotherhood.
"
【兄弟之间,真情永存】
10.
"I
loved
him
as
a
brother,
now
love
him
as
a
husband.
"
【情深兄弟,缘定终身】
11.
"Brothers
by
birth,
now
husband
and
wife
by
choice.
"
【因为是兄弟,所以更知心】
12.
"Our
love
story
started
with
brotherly
love,
and
ended
with
a
marriage
certificate.
"
【情投意合,缘定一生】
13.
"Two
brothers,
two
weddings,
one
happy
ending.
"
【兄弟之间,相互扶持】
14.
"From
brothers
to
best
friends
to
husbands
and
wives.
"
【兄弟之间,彼此扶持】
15.
"Brothers
forever,
now
husbands
for
life.
"
【兄弟之间,相互扶持】
16.
"We've
always
been
each
other's
rock,
now
we're
each
other's
everything.
"
【同心协力,共创美好】
17.
"Brotherly
love
turns
into
lifelong
love.
"
【兄弟之情,情定终身】
18.
"I
never
thought
I'd
marry
my
best
friend,
let
alone
my
brother.
"
【兄弟同心,情意永恒】
19.
"Two
brothers,
one
love,
a
lifetime
of
happiness.
"
【兄弟同心,缘定一生】
20.
"Our
bond
as
brothers
was
unbreakable,
now
our
love
as
husbands
is
untouchable.
"
【兄弟之情,情笃彼此】