1. In astrology, each zodiac sign is believed to have a ruling planet or celestial body associated with it. For Sagittarius, its ruling planet is Jupiter. However, in addition to that, each zodiac sign also has a guardian or archangel that is believed to oversee and protect it. In this article, we will explore who Sagittarius' guardian is.
According to astrology, Sagittarius' guardian is the archangel Raguel. Raguel's name means "Friend of God" in Hebrew, and he is known as the angel of Justice and Harmony. Raguel is believed to be one of the【更多相关资讯请访问wWw.66688883.COm>新良星座】 seven archangels and is also referred to as the angel of relationships. His role is to promote fairness, peace, and love in all relationships, whether it's between two people or between groups of people.
As the guardian of Sagittarius, Raguel is believed to help those born under this sign to find balance, harmony, and fairness in their lives. Sagittarius is known for being a free-spirited, adventurous, and optimistic sign. However, they can also be impulsive, restless, and impatient. Raguel's influence can help Sagittarians channel their energy and enthusiasm in more meaningful and positive ways.
Raguel can also help Sagittarians find justice and equality in their relationships. Sagittarians value their independence and freedom, and they often struggle to find partners who can keep up with their adventurous nature. With Raguel's guidance, Sagittarians can learn to balance their need for independence with the need for healthy and balanced relationships.
In addition to that, Raguel can also help Sagittarians resolve conflicts and promote peace in their relationships. Sagittarians can be blunt and outspoken, which can sometimes lead to misunderstandings and conflicts with others. Raguel can help them learn to communicate better and resolve conflicts in a fair and just manner.
In conclusion, Sagittarius' guardian is the archangel Raguel. He is known for promoting justice, harmony, and love in all relationships. Sagittarians can benefit from his guidance in finding balance and fairness in their lives, as well as in their relationships. With his help, Sagittarians can be more mindful, loving, and compassionate towards others while still maintaining their free-spirited and adventurous nature.